Tuesday, November 30, 2004

"Remember, the Lord invites us all..."

"...and, since He is Truth Itself,
we cannot doubt Him.

"If His invitation were not a general one,
He would not have said:
'I will give you to drink.'

"He might have said:
'Come, all of you,
for after all
you will lose nothing by coming;
and I will give drink
to those whom I think fit for it.'

"But, as He said we were all to come,
without making this condition,
I feel sure
that none will fail to receive
this living water
unless they cannot keep to the path.

"May the Lord, Who promises it,
give us grace,
for His Majesty’s own sake,
to seek it as it must be sought."

From The Way of Perfection, Chapter 19
by St. Teresa of Avila