Saturday, April 19, 2008


"There is another aspect of prayer which we need to remember:
silent contemplation.

"Saint John, for example,
tells us that to embrace God’s revelation
we must first listen,
then respond
by proclaiming what we have heard and seen
(cf. 1 Jn 1:2-3; Dei Verbum, 1).

"Have we perhaps lost something of the art of listening?

"Do you leave space to hear God’s whisper,
calling you forth into goodness?

"Friends, do not be afraid of silence or stillness,
listen to God, adore him in the Eucharist.

"Let his word shape your journey
as an unfolding of holiness.

Pope Benedict XVI
today at a rally for young people
on the grounds of St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, NY