All Souls Day

when the Church joyfully celebrates
the communion of saints and human salvation,
St Odilo (abbot of the monastery of Cluny)
urged his monks to say special prayers for all the dead,
thus mysteriously contributing
to their entry into beatitude;
the custom of solemnly interceding for the dead
in a celebration which St Odilo called All Souls Day
gradually spread from the Abbey of Cluny
and is now the practice throughout the universal Church.
"In praying for the dead,
"In praying for the dead,
the Church above all contemplates
the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ,
who obtains salvation and eternal life for us
through his Cross."
The great John Paul II
Message for Millenium of All Souls Day, 1-2 (excerpt)
June 2, 1998
(adapted from a previous post)
The great John Paul II
Message for Millenium of All Souls Day, 1-2 (excerpt)
June 2, 1998
(adapted from a previous post)